Funding Guidelines
- Applicants must be a full-time graduate student at the Rosenstiel School when applying for an STF award and while being reimbursed by an STF travel award.
- Applications MUST be submitted to the committee by the deadlines established in the STF Travel Term Schedule (see Application Procedure for details)
- Students may receive funding a maximum of ONE TIME per year, on a rolling calendar year. Therefore, if a student receives and STF award in the summer term, they cannot receive another STF award until the following year’s summer term.
- To be considered for funding, students MUST EARN 2 or 3 POINTS PER FUNDING, as defined by the point system (see below).
- In order to be eligible for STF funding, students must earn at least 1 AUCTION POINT, which is to be awarded by volunteering at the yearly student auction.
- STF does not provide funding for travel related to any University of Miami courses.
- If your application is accepted, you will receive an award letter through email. This award letter MUST be signed by Graduate Studies WITHIN ONE WEEK of your RETURN from your trip.
- Monies not claimed within 30 days of your return will be returned to STF and re-allocated to other students.
- The Student Travel Fund Committee reserves the right to accept or deny any funding requests based on the available funds for the current fiscal year.
When funds are extremely low, STF may cap awards to 50% of applicant budget (if less than the standard award amount).
All Application Types:
- Faculty Affidavit: All applicants must demonstrate financial need through an affidavit signed by their advisor.
- All applicants must submit the email receipts of points earned (3 for international; 2 for domestic;)
In addition to the above rules and regulations, the following apply to specific application types:
Type I: Travel to a Scientific Meeting
- Applicant while applying and reimbursing through STF must be a currently enrolled, full-time graduate student at the Rosenstiel School .
- Presentations must be from research conducted at the Rosenstiel School (e.g. If you earned your M.S. at another institution, then come to the Rosenstiel School for your Ph.D., you will NOT be funded for a presentation on your master’s research).
- Applicant MUST be the first author on the poster or oral presentation and they MUST be the presenter. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Applicant MUST submit the abstract and proof of abstract submission.
- Only MPS students can apply for Type 1 funding to travel to a conference without having an accepted presentation.
Type II: Travel to a MES or MPS Master’s Internship
- Applicant while applying and reimbursing through STF must be a currently enrolled, full-time graduate student in the division of Environmental Science and Policy or in the Masters of Professional Science.
- The internship for which travel has been requested must be REQUIRED for completion of the UM Master’s degree.
Type III: Necessary Degree Related Travel
- Applicant while applying and reimbursing through STF must be a currently enrolled, full-time graduate student at the Rosenstiel School .
- The travel requested must be mandated by the applicant’s advisor/committee and/or be ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to the completion of the degree.
- In addition to the application material provided, applicants must submit a “Statement of Purpose” and “Statement of Endorsement” as well as a detailed budget to STF.
- All students may only receive Type III funding ONCE PER DEGREE.