Student Awards

Request Info

 Rosenstiel Awards

Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation (F. G. Walton Smith Prize)

This prize, created by the Office of the Dean of Faculties of the University in honor of Dean Emeritus F.G. Walton Smith, is awarded to the Rosenstiel School doctoral student displaying the most original piece of research in marine and atmospheric science. It consists of a $1,500 check and a plaque. The candidate must have successfully defended the dissertation and submitted final signed copies to the Graduate Studies Office by the summer deadline for submission according to the Academic Calendar. Students who have met these requirements since the previous year's deadline are eligible for this award. The recipient of the prize will be chosen by the Rosenstiel School Graduate Academic Committee. One nomination is requested from each graduate program. Pertinent supporting materials should include:

  1. Copy of the dissertation
  2. One letter (one page limit) of recommendation from the students committee written and signed by the chairperson and/or committee members
  3. Vita

Outstanding M.S. Thesis

This prize is awarded every two years in recognition of a student's achievement at the Masters level for the outstanding thesis in marine and atmospheric science. The prize consists of a $1,000 check and a plaque. The candidates for this award must have defended their thesis and submitted final, signed copies to the Graduate Studies Office prior to the deadline for nominations. Students who have met these requirements since the previous year's deadline are eligible for this award. One nomination is requested from each program. Programs with at least ten eligible candidates may nominate two students. Pertinent supporting materials include:

  1. Copy of the thesis
  2. One letter from the student’s advisor.
  3. Vita

Best Student Publication

The Best Student Publication (also known as the Millero Prize) is awarded annually to a Rosenstiel School student whose single or first-authored peer-reviewed publication is original and significant enough to merit special recognition as an outstanding publication in Marine and Atmospheric Science.  The student can be in any of the B.A., B.S., M.P.S., M.S. or Ph.D. programs.  The prize consists of a check in the amount of $1,000 and a plaque.

Self-nominations can be submitted by any student who is in full-time residence at the time of nomination.  The nominated publication must reflect research conducted at the Rosenstiel School, and it must be published or in press during the calendar year of the nomination.  The nomination package should consist of a PDF copy of the publication and a short statement from the student author that explains (1) how the paper relates to the research they have conducted at Rosenstiel, (2) the student’s role in the research if the paper has multiple authors, and (3) the significance of the contribution to the field.  If the paper has not yet been published, proof that the paper has been officially accepted and is in press is required.  The Rosenstiel School Graduate Academic Committee will make the final selection.

The call for self-nominations is typically announced by the Graduate Studies Office in October with a November deadline.

Mary Roche Fellowship

This endowed fellowship, in honor of the late Mary Roche, is intended to enable outstanding graduate students to pursue their at-sea research and prepare them to become the scientists of tomorrow. Mary was a graduate student in Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, earning her masters degree in 1999 and working on her Ph.D. at the time of her death in 2001. Mary’s love of the sea and the time spent on its wondrous waters, was more than a job or part of an educational program, it was a passion. From the Antarctic to waters close to home, she studied, traveled, and explored the ocean’s inner workings.  Her family, through an endowment fellowship fund, has given a lasting reminder of her commitment to the Rosenstiel School and the sea.

To be eligible, the student’s research must entail some time at sea. The award is expected to be approximately $10,000 each year, contingent upon the funds available from the endowment. The fellowship may be used to cover educational/ research-related expenses including stipend, tuition, travel, and books. It will be awarded to one student each year and a student will only be allowed to receive this fellowship once in his/her academic career.

The final selection of the fellow, based on academic and scientific excellence, is made by the Rosenstiel School Academic Committee. One nomination is requested from each program and should include the following information on the candidate:  (1) CV, (2) recommendation from students’ advisor including ship experience and relevant research, and (3) a one page description of the research activity and budget to be supported by the requested funds. At the end of the fellowship, the recipient will be expected to provide a one-page summary of his/her research work and time spent at sea. At the time of the award, the recipient should send a thank-you letter to the family of Mary Roche.

Graduate Career Development Fund

The call for applications is typically announced by the Graduate Studies Office in October for a November deadline (fall award) and in March for an April deadline (spring award).

For M.P.S. Students

Full or partial support for activities related to the development of professional skills related to the student’s course of study or internship, or to the broader goals of the program or across the Rosenstiel School (see below).  Up to $2,500 is available in each of the Fall and Spring semesters. The application comprises (1) a maximum 1-page proposal on the goals of the activity including a budget and description of how the funds will be used, (2) a maximum 2-page CV, and (3) a letter of support from your advisor.

For M.S. and Ph.D. Students

Full or partial support to develop broad activities of interest to the graduate student community at the Rosenstiel School. Recently funded activities include a Career Development Workshop and a Proposal Writing Workshop (a program manager from NSF was funded to visit the Rosenstiel School and speak at the workshop).  Other potential examples include a distinguished lecturer who speaks broadly to the marine and atmospheric science fields, a community outreach activity, and workshops on communication, negotiation, mentoring, data management, or policy.  For inspiration, some examples of successful community activities can be found on (these are generally for faculty, but many of the same issues are relevant for students).  Collaborative activities between students are encouraged.   Up to $2,500 is available in each of the Fall and Spring semesters.  The application comprises (1) a maximum 1-page proposal on the goals of the activity including a budget and description of how the funds will be used, (2) a maximum 2-page CV including peer-reviewed publications, and (3) a letter of support from your advisor.

Please note that funds must be spent within a year of the award.

Selection Criteria: The Graduate Academic Committee and the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies will perform the evaluation and selection of applications. Selection criteria include degree of independence of project (as assessed by the letter of support and the research description) for MPS students OR degree of benefit to the School for MS and PhD students, scientific and/or career development merit of project, timing of student milestone achievement(s) and publications in the peer-reviewed literature.

Award Reporting: The student is expected to write a summary of the activities and accomplishments within one month after the completion of the project.

International Light Tackle Tournament Association Inc. and David Rowland Endowed Fellowships

Both fellowships listed in the table below are available to support activities within the descriptions listed in the third column. Students can self-nominate each Spring, and there is no limit to the number of applicants per program.

  1. A one page description of the research activity and budget to be supported by the requested funds. This description must address how the research aligns with the restriction for the fellowship in question.
  2. A two page CV including a list of peer-reviewed publications
  3. A one page letter of support from your advisor

Evaluation: Students in good standing (current on all milestone requirements) will be given priority. In addition to the research description and the letter of support from the advisor, student publications weighed according to time in the program will be considered.

Fellowship Amount Available Restrictions
International Light Tackle Tournament Association Inc


The amount distributed for spending to this fund shall be used for tuition and/or research projects and/or other purposes to enable the student to pursue his/her graduate studies. The funds shall be awarded to aid graduate studies in Marine Science from ILLTA member countries.
David Rowland Endowed Fellowship


The amount distributed for spending to this fund shall be used for as a research fellowship in Marine Biology and Living Resources.

In addition to these awards, the Rosenstiel School may offer fellowships and scholarships that vary from year to year depending on funding.
