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MSGSO | PhD and MS Programs | Rosenstiel School

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Join Marine Science Graduate Student Organization (MSGSO) & make a difference on campus.

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Marine Science Graduate Student Organization

The Marine Science Graduate Student Organization (MSGSO) provides a link between the students and the school administration here at the Rosenstiel School. We are here to listen to your ideas and concerns and also answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to bring ideas, suggestions, and/or problems to either the officers or the division representatives.

One of our yearly objectives is to raise money for the Student Travel Fund. This fund provides monetary support for Rosenstiel School students presenting research results at a professional scientific meeting. Most of the money MSGSO gives to the Student Travel Fund is raised at an annual auction

Besides raising money and representing the students on campus, MSGSO also sponsors many parties and events throughout the year. Check the events page to see what’s being planned.

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The sustainability initiative at the Rosenstiel School is a student run group that focuses on environmental awareness and community. We are comprised of students, faculty, and staff engaging in various outreach and campus activities that help strengthen the intersection of science and sustainability. Some of the projects or task forces we have started can be found below.

Every spring semester, the Rosenstiel School Marine Science Graduate Student Organization and the Rosenstiel School Auction Committee host the Annual Student Auction. Proceeds from the Annual Student Auction go directly towards helping our students travel to conferences and internships, both nationally and internationally, in order to share the exciting research going on at UM with the broader scientific community.

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